Flour-less Chocolate Chip Peanut Butter Cookies

IMG_3548 When I started upping my recipe game again last week, my amazing, talented friend Joanna (the woman behind Wellness with Joanna) commented how happy she was to see me back in the kitchen. Her encouragement (always) means a lot since she is one bad ass healthy lifestyle powerhouse. If I can accomplish half of what she does when I am a mama of two I will consider myself a massive success. So with her prodding I  figured I would just keep all the new recipes coming your way instead of hoarding them on my computer.

This version of my cookie recipe came about after our (seriously wonderful) friend Sophia took a stab at my Flourless Peanut Butter Coconut Cookies. However, since the peanut butter she used was runny (or perhaps non-stablized) they didn’t firm up they way she had hoped.  Non-traditional/healthy baked goods can be finicky because when you are trying to cut ingredients out you are messing with the tride and true chemistry of baking.  Also, the texture and consistency of goods such as peanut butter vary wildly which impacts the overall product when you are skipping the flour.  So be patient with the product and be creative with the process. Anyhow, last weekend we had a lazy Sunday of church, binge watching the Jinx and baking.  This afforded me ample time to find a solution to Sofia’s predicament by adding a little PB2 to my dough.  However, during the process Jameson sweetly requested something with a hint of chocolate.  So I threw in some chocolate chips and the result was pretty great.  Enjoy! Continue reading “Flour-less Chocolate Chip Peanut Butter Cookies”

Flourless (almost Paleo-ish) Peanut Butter Coconut Cookies

 Last week I made Quest-Style Protein Bars for the Crossfit NYC open WOD secret Santa.  This week Jameson drew our lovely, sweet fellow west-coaster, Kaylin.  Again Jameson was away in the midwest most of the week traversing state lines so I pitched in to help prep her gift.  I wanted to make her a treat to reward all the hard work she has put in during these grueling work outs, while still being mindful of overall healthiness.  I played around with my traditional cookie recipe to create this completely flour-less cookie that is as healthy as a cookie can be.  Better yet, you only need five ingredients to whip them up, and you only mess up one bowl in the process.  Thus prep and clean up is moderately effortless. Happy Saturday! Continue reading “Flourless (almost Paleo-ish) Peanut Butter Coconut Cookies”